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Testimonials from students on the Programme

Here are some of the things past and present students have said about their experience on the Programme.

A significant proportion of our students do not have formal qualifications in software engineering or computer science, but have moved into the software industry from other fields.

  • I joined the Programme because I work in IT, but my background is in physics. It was an ideal opportunity to get a formal qualification in the area that I work in.
  • When I started the Programme, I didn't know anything about software engineering apart from what I learned on the job. I thought that it was about time that I found out really how to engineer software, so that I could lay claim to the title of software engineer.
  • I started the Programme at a time in my life when I had just entered the software industry. I had a background in industrial engineering, but no formal knowledge of software engineering. It provided an excellent background for me, allowing me to choose the subjects that were most important to my career.

Students often find the additional qualification a help when it comes to promotion or changing jobs.

  • Studying on the Programme has made people treat me differently: they see that I am investing in my long-term career.
  • The Programme has had a significant effect on my career. Just after I got my degree, I went for a new job; the one thing I was told in my interview was that the Oxford University MSc looks very impressive on a resumé. It has certainly opened a number of doors for me.

Many students have found immediate practical applications of the material they have studied on the Programme.

  • Just after the XML course, I had a contract that involved building a report generator. The skills I gained on the course helped me solve that problem better and faster. My client was so happy that they extended my contract. The additional income far outweighs the cost of studying.
  • The Programme has provided a lot of technical advantages to my company—the knowledge I have gained has been put to good use. We've had a huge amount of fun in applying all the techniques we have learned. We now have the basis of what we believe to be a unique and world-beating product and we are in the process of marketing it.

Read about the Programme or register or ask for more information.